Top 5 superfoods
What are superfoods superfood is a term given to a particular food item which has full of nutrients vitamins minerals and all other good nourishment required by a human body is considered to be super food Benefits of superfoods food having all round health benefits are only considered superfood, any food having only single health benefit cannot be considered as a superfood. Here below we have listed the top 5 superfood. please do have a look. Top 5 Superfoods 1.Amla(Indian gooseberry) -it is actually a super-food, believe it or not you'll get ultimate benefits from this only food, that is why it is on the top of our list. now quickly lets discover what all benefits it has , it is the no. 1 source of vitamin c hence it is best for boosting your immunity, as in this crucial time when the whole world is suffering due to the novel corona virus which primarily attacks your immune system this is the best food for building up your immune system. Amla Results show that the people...