Top 5 home remedies to reduce dark circles

In this world full of haste we all live for those late night drives,clubbing ,late night binge watching and etc.
Admit it or not but those dark circles under your eyes does bother you.
so here we'll reveal about our top 5 home remedies for your under eye dark circles and eye bags, as eye creams and serums 
are quite expensive but all these hacks will cost you less than a $.

1.Milk- soak two cotton balls in cold milk and place it on your eyes gently leave it for 15 to 20 minutes, then remove the and
 wash off your face with water. do it regularly for at least a month to observe the change. be consistent and you'll get the results definitely.

2.Homemade eye serum- take some Aloe Vera gel add a few drops of lemon essential oil and tea tree essential oil. mix well and store
it in a container. this prepared mixture can be stored for a month use it regularly before going to bed , massage it gently 
near your eyes and dark circles, astonishing results will be observed by you after a regular use of it for a month. be consistent do
not leave it in the middle complete at least a cycle of one month.

3.Sweet almond oil- Take some pure sweet almond oil and massage around your eyes gently close your eyes and rest it for at least 15 to 20 
minutes do this daily before going to bed. a little effort may bring a lot of change so start putting the efforts which are worth a try and 
are very cheap to be tried. 

4.Potato juice- grate a fresh potato and extract he juice mix with some turmeric powder and apply around your eyes. wash it off after 20 
minutes. Do it on a regular basis for faster results.

5.Haritaki powder-(available on ayurvedic stores as well as easily available online) take some haritaki powder mix it with rose water apply 
around your eyes rinse after 20 minutes . this is a ayurvedic product not at all any side effects and mostly suitable for all types of skin.
again follow this routine regularly for a faster result.

follow all these tips and tricks for reducing your dark circles very fast you'll start noticing changes in the very first month so hurry up and 
dedicate some time for your body in this quarantine. and live up to your life peacefully .
thank you for reading and investing your precious time in our article.


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